Monday, September 6, 2010

School Tomorrow, Revelation today!

So I was reading Proverbs last night, and I've been reading chapter 4 over and over for about 2 months (because God told me to :). While reading, about 3 verses in, God told me to go back and read chapter 3. While reading I found this, verses 5-7:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.

A little further down, It says this in 19-20:

The LORD by wisdom founded the earth;
By understanding He established the heavens;
By His knowledge the depths were broken up,
And clouds drop down the dew.

When I read that, God lead me back to Chapter 4: 5-7

Get wisdom! Get understanding!
Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you;
Love her, and she will keep you.
Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.

Then He walked me through something He's never done with me before. He encouraged me like a father does who's watching his child figure out how to ride a bike. He told me:
"Go on, son. put these together. What does that mean for you? What kind of knowledge are you chasing?"
As I put these together, it suddenly dawned on my spirit - the same knowledge that God used to create the universe (and everything for that matter) is the same knowledge we can have!! When that came to me, God gave me an awesome response; "Yes, that's it son! That's it!"

PRAISE GOD!!! We can have the same knowledge and understanding that God implemented to create everything!! Awesome!!! Now I need to say, God knows and understands far more than anything I can know and understand. But that knowledge is what He wants to give to us to gain a deeper relationship with Him!! He is SO GOOD!

Just a little food for thought there! I love you all!!

Your brother in The Way,

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